Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A long time ago...

This time i thought it'd be good if i write something about how i come to learn these foreign languages. It was back 7 years ago when i met the programming itself as i had to learn the basics of the C-language at the Budapest Institute of Technology. The plan was that i'll become an electrical engineer. Not much to it, i didn't finished the school (now i know that i had to). And honestly at that time the programming had not so much influence on me.
But it changed like 3 years ago when a friend of mine gave me an idea that i should start to learn web-development. Since i lost my job before that, i digged myself into it. Of course i started with HTML and CSS. It went good and then there was also a bit of javascript. But before i could finish the courses i accepted a job offer and i was like ok now i have job so i don't need to continue with that. Oh god how bad that decision was from me. And after 2 years this friend just came up with this thing again. So i took a deep breath and began to start it over again.
I was very motivated (and still) this time and luckily the things i learned once before were still in my head and they all just came forward. That was last year september. The time flew by quickly and i'm here right now. Trying to grow my expertise with JQuery and with javascript in general. I'm scratching the surface of the back-end development as well. I don't know how but the OOP just came into my life only a few weeks ago. In the courses before and in the exercises i done were nothing or not so much info from it. But thanks to some great articles and great tutorial videos i understand it much better and all of a sudden it all makes sense. I need to practise this of course but i'm on the right way now and i'm not gonna lose the path this time. Must.not.give.up.

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